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Java > Open Source Codes > org > eclipse > team > core > ProjectSetCapability

1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
3  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6  *
7  *
8  * Contributors:
9  * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10  * Dan Rubel - project set serializer API
11  *******************************************************************************/

12 package;
14 import JavaDoc;
15 import JavaDoc;
16 import java.util.*;
18 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
19 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
20 import;
22 /**
23  * An object for serializing and deserializing
24  * references to projects. Given a project, it can produce a
25  * UTF-8 encoded String which can be stored in a file.
26  * Given this String, it can load a project into the workspace.
27  * It also provides a mechanism
28  * by which repository providers can be notified when a project set is created and exported.
29  *
30  * @see RepositoryProviderType
31  *
32  * @since 2.1
33  */

34 public abstract class ProjectSetCapability {
36     /**
37      * Ensure that the provider type is backwards compatible by
38      * passing the project set serializer to the type if a serializer
39      * is registered. This is required for repository providers
40      * who implemented a project set capability in 2.1 (before the
41      * capability contained the serialization API) and have not
42      * released a 3.0 plugin yet. This method is
43      * called before project set export and import and can be used by
44      * other clients who work with project sets.
45      *
46      * @param type the provider type instance
47      * @param capability the capability that was obtained from the provider type
48      *
49      * @since 3.0
50      */

51     public static void ensureBackwardsCompatible(RepositoryProviderType type, ProjectSetCapability capability) {
52         if (capability != null) {
53             IProjectSetSerializer oldSerializer = Team.getProjectSetSerializer(type.getID());
54             if (oldSerializer != null) {
55                 capability.setSerializer(oldSerializer);
56             }
57         }
58     }
60     /**
61      * The old serialization interface
62      */

63     private IProjectSetSerializer serializer;
65     /**
66      * Notify the provider that a project set has been created at path. Only
67      * providers identified as having projects in the project set will be
68      * notified. The project set may or may not be created in a workspace
69      * project (thus may not be a resource).
70      *
71      * @param file the project set file that was created
72      * @param context a UI context object. This object will either be a
73      * or it will be null.
74      * @param monitor a progress monitor
75      *
76      * @deprecated should use or override
77      * projectSetCreated(File, ProjectSetSerializationContext, IProgressMonitor)
78      * instead
79      */

80     public void projectSetCreated(File JavaDoc file, Object JavaDoc context, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
81         //default is to do nothing
84     /**
85      * Notify the provider that a project set has been created at path. Only
86      * providers identified as having projects in the project set will be
87      * notified. The project set may or may not be created in a workspace
88      * project (thus may not be a resource).
89      *
90      * @param file the project set file that was created
91      * @param context
92      * the context in which the references are created
93      * (not <code>null</code>)
94      * @param monitor a progress monitor
95      *
96      * @since 3.0
97      */

98     public void projectSetCreated(File JavaDoc file, ProjectSetSerializationContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
99         // Invoke old method by default
projectSetCreated(file, context.getShell(), monitor);
101     }
103     /**
104      * For every project in providerProjects, return an opaque
105      * UTF-8 encoded String to act as a reference to that project.
106      * The format of the String is specific to the provider.
107      * The format of the String must be such that
108      * {@link #addToWorkspace(String[], ProjectSetSerializationContext, IProgressMonitor)}
109      * will be able to consume it and load the corresponding project.
110      * <p>
111      * This default implementation simply throws an exception
112      * indicating that no references can be created unless there
113      * is an IProjectSetSerializer registered for the repository
114      * provider type in which case the operation is delegated to the
115      * serializer.
116      * Subclasses are expected to override.
117      *
118      * @since 3.0
119      *
120      * @param providerProjects
121      * an array of projects for which references are needed
122      * (not <code>null</code> and contains no <code>null</code>s)
123      * @param context
124      * the context in which the references are created
125      * (not <code>null</code>)
126      * @param monitor
127      * a progress monitor or <code>null</code> if none
128      * @return
129      * an array containing exactly the same number of elements
130      * as the providerProjects argument
131      * where each element is a serialized reference string
132      * uniquely identifying the corresponding the project in the providerProjects array
133      * (not <code>null</code> and contains no <code>null</code>s)
134      * @throws TeamException
135      * thrown if there is a reference string cannot be created for a project
136      */

137     public String JavaDoc[] asReference(
138         IProject[] providerProjects,
139         ProjectSetSerializationContext context,
140         IProgressMonitor monitor)
141         throws TeamException {
143         if (serializer != null) {
144             return serializer.asReference(providerProjects, context.getShell(), monitor);
145         }
146         throw new TeamException(Messages.ProjectSetCapability_0);
147     }
149     /**
150      * For every String in referenceStrings, load the corresponding project into the workspace.
151      * The opaque strings in referenceStrings are guaranteed to have been previously
152      * produced by {@link #asReference(IProject[], ProjectSetSerializationContext, IProgressMonitor)}.
153      * The confirmOverwrite method is called with an array of projects
154      * for which projects of the same name already exists in the workspace.
155      * <p>
156      * Callers from within a UI context should wrapper a call to this method
157      * inside a WorkspaceModifyOperation so that events generated as a result
158      * of this operation are deferred until the outermost operation
159      * has successfully completed.
160      * <p>
161      * This default implementation simply throws an exception
162      * indicating that no projects can be loaded unless there
163      * is an IProjectSetSerializer registered for the repository
164      * provider type in which case the operation is delegated to the
165      * serializer.
166      * Subclasses are expected to override.
167      *
168      * @since 3.0
169      *
170      * @param referenceStrings
171      * an array of reference strings uniquely identifying the projects
172      * (not <code>null</code> and contains no <code>null</code>s)
173      * @param context
174      * the context in which the projects are loaded
175      * (not <code>null</code>)
176      * @param monitor
177      * a progress monitor or <code>null</code> if none
178      * @return IProject[]
179      * an array of projects that were loaded
180      * excluding those projects already existing and not overwritten
181      * (not <code>null</code>, contains no <code>null</code>s)
182      * @throws TeamException
183      * thrown if there is a problem loading a project into the workspace.
184      * If an exception is thrown, then the workspace is left in an unspecified state
185      * where some of the referenced projects may be loaded or partially loaded, and others may not.
186      */

187     public IProject[] addToWorkspace(
188         String JavaDoc[] referenceStrings,
189         ProjectSetSerializationContext context,
190         IProgressMonitor monitor)
191         throws TeamException {
193         if (serializer != null) {
194             return serializer.addToWorkspace(referenceStrings, context.getFilename(), context.getShell(), monitor);
195         }
196         throw new TeamException(Messages.ProjectSetCapability_1);
197     }
199     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Internal utility methods for subclasses

205     /**
206      * Determine if any of the projects already exist
207      * and confirm which of those projects are to be overwritten.
208      *
209      * @since 3.0
210      *
211      * @param context
212      * the context in which the projects are loaded
213      * (not <code>null</code>)
214      * @param projects
215      * an array of proposed projects to be loaded
216      * (not <code>null</code>, contains no <code>null</code>s)
217      * @return
218      * an array of confirmed projects to be loaded
219      * or <code>null</code> if the operation is to be canceled.
220      * @throws TeamException
221      */

222     protected IProject[] confirmOverwrite(
223         ProjectSetSerializationContext context,
224         IProject[] projects)
225         throws TeamException {
227         // Build a collection of existing projects

229         final Collection existingProjects = new ArrayList();
230         for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
231             IProject eachProj = projects[i];
232             if (eachProj.exists()) {
233                 existingProjects.add(eachProj);
234             } else if (new File JavaDoc(eachProj.getParent().getLocation().toFile(), eachProj.getName()).exists()) {
235                 existingProjects.add(eachProj);
236             }
237         }
238         if (existingProjects.size() == 0)
239             return projects;
241         // Confirm the overwrite

243         IProject[] confirmed =
244             context.confirmOverwrite(
245                 (IProject[]) existingProjects.toArray(
246                     new IProject[existingProjects.size()]));
247         if (confirmed == null)
248             return null;
249         if (existingProjects.size() == confirmed.length)
250             return projects;
252         // Return the amended list of projects to be loaded

254         Collection result = new ArrayList(projects.length);
255         result.addAll(Arrays.asList(projects));
256         result.removeAll(existingProjects);
257         for (int i = 0; i < confirmed.length; i++) {
258             IProject eachProj = confirmed[i];
259             if (existingProjects.contains(eachProj))
260                 result.add(eachProj);
261         }
262         return (IProject[]) result.toArray(new IProject[result.size()]);
263     }
265     /*
266      * Set the serializer to the one registered. The serializer
267      * will be used if subclasses do not override asReference
268      * and addToWorkspace
269      */

270     void setSerializer(IProjectSetSerializer serializer) {
271         this.serializer = serializer;
272     }
274     /**
275      * Return the URI for the given reference string or <code>null</code>
276      * if this capability does not support file system schemes as defined by
277      * the <code>org.eclipse.core.filesystem.filesystems</code> extension
278      * point.
279      * @see #getProject(String)
280      * @param referenceString a reference string obtained from
281      * {@link #asReference(IProject[], ProjectSetSerializationContext, IProgressMonitor)}
282      * @return the URI for the given reference string or <code>null</code>
283      * @since 3.2
284      */

285     public URI JavaDoc getURI(String JavaDoc referenceString) {
286         return null;
287     }
289     /**
290      * Return the name of the project that is the target of the given
291      * reference string or <code>null</code> if this capability does not
292      * support parsing of reference strings.
293      * @see #getURI(String)
294      * @param referenceString reference string obtained from
295      * {@link #asReference(IProject[], ProjectSetSerializationContext, IProgressMonitor)}
296      * @return the name of the project that is the target of the given
297      * reference string or <code>null</code>
298      * @since 3.2
299      */

300     public String JavaDoc getProject(String JavaDoc referenceString) {
301         return null;
302     }
304     /**
305      * Convert the given URI and projectName to a reference string that can be
306      * passed to the {@link #addToWorkspace(String[], ProjectSetSerializationContext, IProgressMonitor)}
307      * method. The scheme of the provided URI must match the scheme of the
308      * repository provider type from which this capability was obtained.
309      * @param uri the uri that identifies the location of the project in the repository.
310      * @param projectName the name of the project.
311      * @return the reference string representing a project that can be loaded into the workspace
312      * or <code>null</code> if the URI and name cannot be translated into a reference string
313      * @since 3.2
314      */

315     public String JavaDoc asReference(URI JavaDoc uri, String JavaDoc projectName) {
316         return null;
317     }
318 }
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